Categories: How To

How To Install WordPress

In this post I’ll show you How To Install WordPress.  Installing WordPress is very straightforward and the steps depend on what your hosting account provides.  There are many hosting addons that make it a once-click operation (like Softaculous, Fantastico, or MOJO Marketplace), but even if you don’t have one on your hosting account it’s still relatively easy.

I’ll start with the simplest method and close it out with the manual method.

cPanel With Softaculous or Fantastico

  1. Log in to your cPanel account (typically https://yourdomain.com:2083)
  2. Click the Softaculous or Fantastico icon
  3. Select WordPress
  4. Enter your WordPress settings and click Install
  5. That’s it!


cPanel  Without Any Script Installer

  1. Log in to your cPanel account (typically https://yourdomain.com:2083)
  2. Click the MySQL Database Wizard icon in the Databases section
  3. Step 1: create a new database named something like: wp190
    NOTE – (if you’re using cPanel and your login name is “mydomain”, then the actual database name after creation would be mydomain_wp190)
  4. Step 2: create a new user with the same name (be sure to save the username and password since you’ll need it below):  wp190
    NOTE – (if you’re using cPanel and your login name is “mydomain”, then the actual database username after creation would be mydomain_wp190)
  5. Step 3: add the user you created to the database and give them all privileges
  6. Download WordPress to your computer (I suggest the ZIP file): https://wordpress.org/download/
  7. Click the File Manager icon in cPanel
  8. Ensure that you’re in the public_html folder – if not, double-click the public_html or www folder line (don’t double-click the words or it will ask you to rename it)
  9. Click Upload in the File Manager to upload the WordPress ZIP file to your host
  10. Right-click the WordPress file that you just uploaded and then left-click Extract in menu that appeared (this extracts the WordPress ZIP file to a folder named “wordpress”)
  11. If you want to run WordPress from the root of your domain (most do), then Double-click the WordPress folder that was created.  Select all files and folders and move them to the root of your account.
  12. If you want to run WordPress from another folder (like /blog), then single-click the WordPress folder and rename it to what you want
  13. Now open your domain in a browser and the setup will start.  If you decided to install it in a folder, then open your domain plus that folder like this:  http://yourdomain.com/blog
  14. Follow the easy setup steps and you’re done.


I hope you enjoyed the How To Install WordPress article.  Now get out there and install WordPress so that you can create some amazing content.

Rob: My name is Rob Barbour and I've been a geek since I was a kid - my first computer was a Timex Sinclair and then I saved up to buy a Vic 20 with my paper route money. I've also been programming since I was a kid, so you'll likely see some code thrown in where appropriate. I truly love helping people like you solve their problems and answer their questions. I've been hosting my own sites since the late 90's and know the web hosting world extremely well.
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