ServerPoint has been around since 1998 and was started by a few who wanted to create software for the web (new back then). They host tens of thousands of clients and can deploy your server globally. Their customers stand behind them and they’re definitely worth checking out.
Pros:Started in 1998, focused on customer support, a FREE domain, multiple levels of support, and a 30 day money back guarantee for shared accounts (dedicated and VPS have 14 days).
My name is Rob Barbour and I've been a geek since I was a kid - my first computer was a Timex Sinclair and then I saved up to buy a Vic 20 with my paper route money. I've also been programming since I was a kid, so you'll likely see some code thrown in where appropriate. I truly love helping people like you solve their problems and answer their questions. I've been hosting my own sites since the late 90's and know the web hosting world extremely well.